Zombie fun with who else but friends....or strangers either way running zombies are fun to shoot at.

User Rating: 9.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
An 8.5 really you are wrong gamespot. Left 4 dead is the most realistic game i've ever played. some may disagree but you are put into the game with no instruction except for controls you walk down and if youve played the orange box you already know the controls on 360. there's no story but it's also part of the realism you already feel accepted by these 3 people you are with AND THE ZOMBIES RUN they run 666.

one insult the campain is way too short and the multiplayer is not much elaboration on the original levels and only two are playable Hopefully DLC is next for this title instead of more and more pc tf2 maps with no 360 support
The zombies are awful killing machines But are so incredibly nice to shoot at but dont shoot louis, hes cool

TANKWHITCHBOOMER alerted the hoarde

(gotta fill space)!
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