Valve never has disappointed me, and they didn't start now

User Rating: 9 | Left 4 Dead X360
Ah Valve, one of the best developers of all time. Creators of the Half-Life Series, Portal, and Team Fortress Series now give us Left 4 Dead which is quite possibly their best game I've played.

Left 4 Dead is all about friends, so if you don't have any you won't have as much fun. You can play on Live, or Split-Screen Co-op [both awesome]. This game as four campaigns that are around two hours each. Now that may short but they are highly re-playable and have more campaigns coming out soon like the mall from Dawn of the Dead. The game mechanics are fantastic, each level is very fun taking on horde after horde of zombie, and then taking on special infected like the "tank" which is a huge zombie that is hard to kill, or a boomer which vomits on you. The graphics are also very nice to.

The game is amazing in every meaning of the word and should not be missed, and should be in every gamer's collection.