An absolute guilty pleasure... the single player is almost non existent. The story is... nobody knows there is not one.
One word Multiplayer, nothing else exists. The guns are not special but have super powers. A single shotgun blast that looks anything but impressive can clear up 8 zombies that will dissappear in mid air leaving no bodies behind. You play 4 maps devided in about 6 check points. Co-Op exists for the first time in an FPS on PC, at least for me. About 6 types of monsters. No clever jumping, the sniper rifle is more of a novelty since everything is so easy to kill and the only thing that matters is reaching that checkpoint and that can be done without firing a shot just by pushing. This game is all about having fun with internet friends and I can see how someone can squeeze 40 hours of multiplayer time before dumping it. It is fun to play I am just not sure if its worth paying for. I would still play absolutely anything related to the CS engine I am fascinated by it and can not get enough from Valve. Not every game can be great but every effort deserves praise. Bring on the zombies we all like to shoot them. Just pretty please add some bustance to it. Learn from the zombie mod for CS god knows it has fans that lasted years. Take care kids. - Dictated but not read -