Awesome game!
The single player is okey the team mates can be little annoying by just standing in the way.And sometimes when you mtry to escape and close the door when like 200 zombies just comes from no where and they just opens the door and ruins it all but single player is playable
Now Mutiplayer is the best gaming experience in the whole game you can play with your friends as the survivors fighting the zombies and making plans its the best mutiplayer ever.
So about the zombies if you like games where you have to fight of 50 zombies every where,this is the game for you it wont let you be in peace its awesome it aint like Res4 )Resident Evil 4( L4D is very intense.
About the maps i think they should be little bit longer They aren't very big maybe just 5 minutes (if your fast)
The map design is very cool and can be scary sometimes when you are hearing these voices from every where and you cannot see anything at all then a bunch of zombies just jumps out and kicks your ass so be on guard.
The zombies aren't all the same some has special talents like the Hunter and smooker which makes it cooler that not every zombie are the same.And one thing that's also very good that the zombies are running like horses very fast makes it hard to get a shot at them which also makes the game better in a way.So it aint those slow zombies no these guys are fast.The zombies are inspired from a movie called 28 Days Later.And if you seen that one you will see that the zombies pretty much acts like them....
So that's why im giving the game a 9,5 would be 10 but the team mates kinda screw things up a little bit but the game is anyway very awesome indeed and to every zombie lover well this is a game for you
Thanks for reading my review