A bit over rated, more like severely.

User Rating: 5.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
Ah the highly anticipated zombie killer game comes. It's been out for a while but I thought I would give it some time to simmer before I trash on it. Cause thats what his game sorta is trash.

The Graphics
The graphics are very bland. Normal scenery and some times in those forest stages, I can't tell if it's a tree or a zombie. There's something wrong with that. I know it gives a sense of suspense but I don't care for that. Just want a sort of pretty game that looks good. Not as bad as the zombies in it. The zombies are also a bit bland since they run so fast and come at you in large hordes you don't really get to see what they look like.

The Story
HAHAHAHA! For the people who are fans of Resident Evil and enjoy their story lines. You guys are suckers cause there isn't one here. You simply get from point A to B. Then you defend yourself in an area for a set period of time til help arrives and that is sometimes really hard cause they send everything that got at you and no one wants to deal with that. Yep....There is a sort of cinematic movie feel when they post your names on a poster of there only 4 stages... and ending credits.... go typing this out makes it seem lame. Only cause it is.

Game play.
Mindless. Go and play Guitar Hero. I hate guitar hero and that's what it felt like playing this. Simple shooting mechanics. You don't have to be a good shot to be good at this game. Since as long as you hit the zombie they die. I shot one in the arm and got a head shot. yea wtf. So as I said simple Point A to point B with a group of other survivors who can be friends or the CPU AI who isn't retarded. Shooting I guess is fun...I guess.It seems mindless a lot of the time.

Where the game shines. Getting friends together to mindlessly shoot games I guess. And yea all I have to say about that.

Bottom Line
It's a decent game. I wouldn't spend 60 bucks on it due to the fact it has little to offer on the single player side and a game shouldn't get rave reviews for a game that only shines in it's multiplayer. Zombie fans will be pleased with this game but it sorta pisses me off cause it seems over rated.