Killing the already dead has never been so much fun!
I bought this game through an impulse, and it has been the best game i've played for along time, even though it is always they same map, but my god director is so powerful you will never ever feel completely safe. On instance was that i stayed back a little bit to find some ammo or health, and i think that the director brought a special zombie too kick my ass and he did because i fell behind it punished me, since then i have never fall that far back again.
Even my mid spec pc this game still looks hot, playing with all the characters been controlled by players you really do feel at times you are fight for your life and when you are not being chased down by a huge horde of zombies you are checking each corner listening for the tell tail signs of the tank or witch. Should you reach the end the heat really goes up, because you have hold down the fort and wait for rescue and once that rescure turns up oh momma you better run like hell should you wait 1 second too long and you will be left behind.
I'm not proud of it, i let 3 of my team mates die so i could complete the level and get the achievement to complete a level from start too finish, not telling which level because i don't want to spoil your fun or the zombies fun hehe.
I recommend to anyone who own steam account and *smacks the desk* if not WHY NOT!
Thanks for reading
Blood Diamond