Zombies Zombies every were and four left to die. Left for dead is an amazing an great experience to be enjoyed by every
User Rating: 9.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
I know I'm sorry that I'm well a little late with this review I just been playing left for dead to much. What am I saying I could never get to much of it. Left for dead is Valve's Amazing new zombie survival game. Now it's not like any other survival game Left 4 Dead has some interesting features that will make the game an endless classic and re-playable for years. The idea survive hordes of zombies and I mean hordes not like in other zombie games were a constant stream of five or six zombies attack you I mean 20 to 30 at once there for hordes, so as you move through the hordes blocking your path you eventually want to reach the safe house at the end of each level segment. Each campaign is cut up into five sections separated by a safe house were you can heal and get ready for the next segment of the level until you reach the finaly were you must fend of waves of zombies until help comes. Now there are only four campaign, but two are coming in a D.L.C soon but I well get to the D.L.C later. You might be saying only four I'll beat that in two days or two hours if I have no life well don't worry because you will play the same levels over and over again and never get tiered of playing them. The levels have more than one way to reach the safe house whether you chose to go through the building up ahead or just take the open street it's your decision. Ya you know that don't you well mister smarty pant how about this zombies are random spawn that means one time through the level there may be a horde in the street and the next it's a ghosts town providing new thrills each time you play; also med kits and pills randomly spawn in different areas each time to finding some pain pills in the corner is awesome because they might just save your life. It doesn't matter how many times you play the game just how you play it. The weapons in the game are limited that made me a little peeved in the begging , but I soon got over it, for you arsenal at the start is a pump action shot gun (slow re-lode) and one fast but weak Uzi (quick re-lode). Later through the level you will come across more powerful and devastating weapons, the semi-automatic shotgun can fire ten clips before re-lode, next is the assault-rifle is the advanced Uzi much more powerful, and finally if the hunting rifle yes every game needs a sniper I know what is a sniper going to do for me if a zombie is right on top of me well a lot it's a one short kill on regular zombie and the fastest re-lode weapon in the game. The game also provides two bombs but you can only hold one at a time Pipe bombs have a nice blinky light that zombies seam to be very attracted to and will huddle around it and KA-BLOOY fun ya the next one though can be extremely useful like the Molotov a nice flammable drink that can light your enemy on fire but careful it can light your team mate on fire too. The music and voice acting I Left 4 Dead is top notch from the Corney liners like eat lead zombie to the change in music to tell you a tank or horde is coming will keep you entertained and on edge through out the game. Now I should tell you this before I forget and you hate me forever, this is a co-op game sure it's fun to play by your self for a little while, but without Xbox live your just punishing your self. Also on line there is a cool versus mode were and brace you self were you can play and elite zombie, not like a death match but while playing the campaign, for when you go through it if your a surviver survive and a zombie dose what eats brains hell ya. I have told you about as much as I can about Left 4 Dead I said I tell you about the Left 4 Dead D.L.C well Valve has said that they are going to ad two more campaigns ya thats right more to play and that Dead air and Death toll ( two old campaigns) are going to be playable in versus also vale has hinted at a flamethrower to be added ya the ultimate zombie killing machine, but also the horrified team killing machine. That's it for this review thank you for staying with me and reading this whole this and if you didn't and just skipped down that wow just wow, so if your just want to play for fun or killing zombies on expert left 4 Dead is the game for you.