Left 4 Dead is a blast to play and possibly the best game of 2008. (Real Score: 9.8)
Gameplay: 10/10
The game centers around 4 survivors trapped in a zombie apocalypse with nothing but med packs, grenades and weapons. It's so simple but so satisfying to blow zombies heads off. Sometimes a special infected will cross paths with the four players mixing up the strategic elements. For example if a boomer crosses your path you must melee before you shoot it and you must make sure that It's far from you before you shoot it. If it gets too close it will vomit on you making a horde of zombies come at you while your screen is covered in zombie puke. There are four different special infected. There are also two little bosses you will cross when your going through the campaigns. The tank is a a huge, incredible hulk looking (but not green), infected that will stop at nothing to kill you and your friends. You have to stick together to fight it off. Another is the witch who you will see moaning and if you have your flashlight on or shoot around her she will run right at you and kill you instantly. The game can be played by yourself with AI controlling the other survivors. But online campaign is more enjoyable. There is also a multiplayer aspect in which 4 players play as special infected, and 4 play as survivors. Both modes are fun.
Graphics: 9/10
Graphically, the graphics aren't the best part of the game. It shouldn't be the biggest part. Valve has always been about fun and if the graphics can contribute to game play then I think that's pretty awesome. The graphics on the buildings and zombies give the game a total apocalyptic atmosphere which the survivors contrast with their lively and different personalities. When there are multiple amounts of infected on screen the buildings will brighten just a little (not noticeable but it just works towards the game play somehow). Valve explains this in the commentary included in the game.
Sound/Music: 10/10
Most of the time sounds and music can distract the player in an online co op or even singular first-person shooter. But the sound alerts trigger at just the right time to the point of you almost knowing whats around the other corner. When hordes of zombies run at you the music becomes incredibly intense. The dialogue system used in the game, from Team Fortress 2, makes for hilarious conversation with good voice acting, as well.
Value: 10/10
The selling point of the game is It's value. You will be playing the same levels over and over again. This may sound monotonous but it isn't because of the great level design and sheer thrill to shoot zombies with your friends. The zombie system will make you on your toes at all times no matter how many times you've completed the game.
Overall Score: 9.8/10
Left 4 Dead is a blast to play and possibly the best game of 2008.