Awesome Game!
When I first seen l4d in GameStop, I though it as going to be another one of those stupid games where you run through and kill zombies with no story line at all, but I decided to give it a try because I liked the cover art. I brought it home and put it in my X360 and started playing on normal campaign mode (offline). I was ready to play as soon as the first scene played. The horde "regular zombies" were fun to blow away with a shotgun or tear apart with a machine gun. It was awesome walking through the apartments and turning all the corners looking for a way to get out and defeat zombies. The game was awesome! I played all the way through the first campaign and was instantly ready for the second one. I ended up playing all four campaign levels and then playing online.
The game is not like your ordinary run through and shoot. It has the most interactive A.I I have ever seen. They will heal you and save you and even interact with you. You have to be cautious about your health and theirs as well. This makes it seem to have some type of story and allows you to take a break from the constant shooting. Now you don't go through and just shoot mindless zombies, there are strong zombies with special abilities that you must look out for.
Boomer: The boomer is the fat zombie who pukes on you as soon as he gets the chance. His puke attracts large swarms of horde and makes it very difficult to see. If you shoot him while he is to close, he will explode, covering you with the puke.
Smoker: The smoker has a very long tongue he can use to grab you from a distance. He pulls you away from your team and pins you down. This allows the horde to attack you without being able to defend yourself. If you shoot him, he blows up and smoke fills the area, making it difficult to see.
Hunter: The hunter stands on buildings and waits for you to come by, at which point he lunges down and begins to claw out your organs. You are completely helpless in this situation, and your team must save you.
Tank: The tank is what I like to call a zombie on steroids. He can rip up parts of the ground and throw them at you, causing significant health loss. About three hits from the tank can kill you on easy mode, so be careful when confronting one. It takes multiple shots from every team member to bring him down.
The Witch: The Witch is the most deadly zombie that you can come across. When you find her, she is lying on the ground crying. She will not attack you unless she is provoked. Once she is, however, she will come after her attacker and with a single swipe have you incapacitated. She will continue to attack until she has been killed by your team or you are dead. It takes everyone on the team to kill her, so try your best to sneak around her.