Definatly the most fast paced, tense, zombie apocalypse game ever!!

User Rating: 9 | Left 4 Dead X360
Me and my mates were always talking about what we would do during a zombie apocalypse, my idea involved sitting it out in a cupboard with a big gun. But some of them just thought "bring it". When this game came out our ideas combined.

From the word go you are instantly immersed in the games fast paced, movie like, eerie atmosphere. the controls are easy to get used to which is good because you don't want to have to button mash when a infected is busy gnawing on your face. Its playability is highly addictive because every play through is a different experience which always leaves you dying for more and then being given it in vast amounts of undead chaos. Its powerful weaponry will have the undead hordes bailing at your feet in a pile of stray limbs and bullets, but throw the special infected into the fray and this can change. They add even more variety to the game, attacking from places which you never thought they could, and occasionally leaping out unexpected and scaring the pants off you. But these go down in a few shots and are still as easy to kill, with a few well placed shots, as the normal infected. The tank on the other hand, is far from easy. Its brutish strength and dominating appearance can leave, even veteran players, in a lumpy mess on the floor. Its ability to withstand an endless barrage of gun fire adds a real sense of impending doom to the game.

However, the AI, even though they can sometimes be incredibly help full at times, never do what you want them to do. Be that hold up inside a small cupboard, make a run for the rescue vehicle or throw a well placed pipe bomb, which human players can do so very well. Playing either on the main campaign or in versus mode, with your friends can help you come up with a life saving strategy or a survivor destroying assault in which the AI lack dramatically.

I definitely recommend this game for anyone who loves the idea of fighting through endless hordes of stampeding infected with their friends or to anyone who loves fast paced gory shooters.I feel the game is best played with a group of your closest friends because not only is the experience FAR more enjoyable but you also know they will never leave you 4 dead.