Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion

User Rating: 8 | Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion PC

This is a Book Game meaning that there's more reading involved than action. A basic knowledge of the WH40K Universe is not required but will greatly help in determining your character's choices and actions. Its not necessary to have read all the books on the subject but having played the table game or at least a few of the PC games should suffice. Expect to die often. Take notes from one try to the other about what choices worked and those that did not or had negative consequences keeping in mind that a "right choice" may turn bad depending on chance with the roll of the dices.


- Compelling story in line with the WH40K universe.

- Totally re-playable with alternate branching depending on roll of the dices.

- Easy combat mechanics.

- Three difficulty levels (Initiate or Easy, Astartes or Normal and Veteran meaning Hard).

- Difficulty level does not really impact the story, only your combat survival chances and aids.

- Sense of accomplishment when you finally "beat the game".


- Minimalist tutorial focused on combat but missing critical information like how to access/use inventory.

- Too dependent on chance (Wheel of fate in the game)

- Character's abilities are set with no improvement with experience

- No way to abort the game. You must continue to the bitter end even if, because you played this scenario before, you know it will lead to failure.

- Part of the game that would be challenging is totally random meaning that past experience and having taken notes or drawn a map is totally useless within this scenario. In a book it would be a chapter that is impossible to follow because its got no connection with the preceding ones.

- Inventory can not be accessed in combat. Likewise, weapons can not be reloaded outside of combat.