Finally, the last installment in this delightful series is here, what an amazing experience...
In this game you play alternatively as the mysterious Raziel or the merciless Kain...two heroes bound to cross paths eventually (if you would have followed the plots of Soul Reaver 1 and 2, then you may know that both heroes' fates are intertwined)....there are a whole host of wierd and wonderful enemies to combat, as well as some old skool ones such as vampire hunters, demons, and will also come across some old friends like Vorador, Janos Audron and wel as some sadist scum like Mobius, Necromancer Mortanius and a sinful scrounger called Hash A Gik.....
The graphics, as always are inspirational....and you may be able to view the paintngs, architecture and surroundings using the right analogue cant really control the camera angles; they simply move as you charecter moves....but this may be agood thing, as it will wholly give you guidance on where to go and how to deal with a particular situation...but free movement to see your surrouondings (if you are stuck) is initiated by pressing R3..... The combact system and AI are really splendid for this can do a number of combos, and flay your enemies about as you wish (using the Soul Reaver sword with Kain, and wraith blade with Raziel)...there are a number of form each weapon can take, and during gameplay, with enough hits to enemies, you can unleash an all-rounder attack, that will thwart your surrounding enemies....
It has a good share of puzzles...that are not too tedious to you may have to collect special items or do an errand for someone in order to progress further into the game.....there are power ups available too, such as increases in health and telekentic powers....there are various bonus items to collect throughout the game (nothing much as impressive as Soul Reaver 2, but it all adds to the game, doesnt it???) however, iof you successfulyl complete the game as I have done, the you get all this bonus stuff anyway, so you need'nt worry about them......
The story line, as always, continues more or less form where the last game left off...and is thought provoking and also reflects some of the deception, atrocities, victories, and emotions a human faces throughout life...I persoanlly had mixed emotions throughout the the game had unexpected plots and twists throughout.....and the ending was memorable....its such a shame that a further game has not yet been devloped...but you never know.....something like Blood Omen 3 or Soul Reaver 3...or perhaps something like Legacy of Kain: (?????)......I dont know, we wil have to wait and see.... I really enjoyed this game; it has its fair share of horro, suspense, action and combat... and, like Soul Reaver 2 and Blood Omen 2, I would love to play it over and over again....but first I must finish off my 2nd journey into the realms of Blood Omen 2!!!!