This could have been a exelent game if it wasnt for major errors and bugs, and the fact that its sometimes boring.
Ok now you are probably thinking "If this game is so good why did you give it a 7.0?". Ok then now here it comes.
The gameplay in the legacy of kain series has allways been bad, you can see that they tried to devil may cry this one, but it still isnt good, you will be mostly dodging enemies around when you can.
The chapters with Raziel are AMAZINGLY boring an very long, while Kain has fun 5 minute chapters. The fact that you can switch into spectral and materieal realm with Raziel only makes the game A LOT more difficult, belive me it might have been cool years ago, now its not.
Most of the time with Kain you will have a door to open in the begining of the level, but you will only open it with a reaver you dont have, so you will have to go to the end of the level and go in to a room where you get a new reaver (it is the same room you get the reaver every time), get out of there and go to the door in the begining and pass the chapter.
With Raziel you will have some more dull puzzles that make sometimes no scence, and get various reavers to open various doors to get somewhere, that takes usualy about a half hour or more.
Another ENORMOUS problem is the bugs and MAJOR ERRORS. sometimes you will be stuck in the ground and unable to walk. One time i was in this room, that i had to do a puzzle, i saved in that room, i went to do my puzzle, then i did it, but the path didnt open, i had to start from the beging of the game, then I discovered that if I saved in that room the path wouldnt open and I woulnt be able to finish the game. Another time I had a VERY IMPORTANT item, then i saved and it disapeared, so i had again to start from the begining. I could write about 10 more errors i saw here but i dont want to bore you.
The replay, basicly doesnt exist, the only thing thats going to make you start again from the start is is some error happens in the game and you are forced to do it
Anyway, this game could have been a masterpiece if it wasnt for the bugs and some repetetive and dull moments, but its still worth playing for the story, characters and dialogues. This is the worst in the series, but still pretty decent.