Hack n Slash at its best
User Rating: 10 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver DC
The first time I heard of this game was on a news channel, I do not remember everything that was said, but the geist of the story was the production value of this game. They showed this shriveled guy impaling an enemy with a long, pointed object that looked, well, painful! Given that I am a guy that likes dark and compelling games, it's one of the first games I got when I got my dc. I also heard about it from my brother, who brought the game over to my place to show it to me. Not that the graphics alone on it blew me away, how little I was prepared for the engrossing and depth of the story of this game! The story, graphics, and otherwise rpg-like way in which Raziel grows in power cannot fully be appreciated in a review written on website than playing in person. You are Raziel, a loyal and heartened vampire on a quest to avenge not only your wrongful betrayel and execution from your past, but a past much deeper and hidden than you remember. Your quest for vengence brings you to fight hideous monsters, solve simple yet intriqueing puzzles, and attainment of devasting abilities that bogs the mind in wonderment. This game is all but flawless and should be in everyones library for those who appreciate a good story, level design, excellant music, and wonderful bosses to defeat.