The game starts out good.
get so huge and confusing that it might really start to get on your nerves because you tend to get lost or end in dead end location. With this game its almost certain to must have a guide with you since without one you feel pretty much lost the entire game.
Other than that the game is faithful to the Kain series and it does a nice job introducing some new elements and characteristics about the Kain series mythology. New magic based attacks and you are able to aquire new skills along the way.
The camera angle is just awful most of the times and the shaded world some time lets you go through wall... and this last isn´t puposely made effect... its a glitch and one that presents itself alot in the game and may sometimes come to freezing the game on you.
This game isn´t for everyone just for people with alot of pacience and/or fans of the game series or it´s genre.