The worst Diablo ripoff I have ever seen. It is NOT even close to being a finished product.
But they fail. They fail so bad it's almost embarrassing. Here are some situations where I just want to throw this game away:
- The voice acting is SO bad. And the writing is even worse. It cannot be described how bad it is. The hero you control has a certain way of speaking the makes him sound like an immature child asking questions?
- The controls. You have 3 mouse buttons to assign spells, walking, melee, melee/walk or camera rotation to. But remember, you cannot walk if you don't use one of them for walking or melee/walk.
It even mentions on the melee (with no walk) that it's good for archers, but if I choose that, I must either use another mouse button for walking or put one of the 10 spell keys (0-9) to switch between melee and walking.
- I played as an archer, but with the camera's short view I was forced the take really small steps ahead. If I just walked to fast I was suddenly right next to an enemy and not in range to shoot arrows.
- I'm running around with my camera rotated so I can see most of my path (meaning I run "up" on the screen), then I go to my character screen/inventory and I close that again. Now the camera has rotated itself so north is "up". I have gone in the wrong direction so many times because of this.
- If you for example meet a big wolf that you're not completely capable of killing because of your level, then just wait until it begins an animation. You could fx wait until it sits down and howls to shoot it with magic. It will not react before the howl-animation is complete and you could probably have killed it by then.
- Then there is all the small bugs that make you think why they didn't wait with the release until the game was finished.
Take a look at this giant item I found. I thought I had to be level 10^4 to wear it, but it's simply just a bug: