A game that combines; storyline, music, and a unique battle mode so well, that it stands aside from all other rpg's.
This game has an extremely addictive battle mode, which includes combos, summonings, and much more. It provides you with everything that you might want in a battle system. Although the battle system should be very successful, I would have to say that from the uniqueness of the battle mode, I do not reccomend this game for all RPS lovers, I would reccomend that if you are interested in purchasing this game, you should try out the demo first or check out some videos of the game, although the demo provides you with more information.
There is not much that I could say about the music in this game except that it is one of the best soundtracks that I have ever heard, and If you are an RPG lover or collecter, than this is deffinetely a soundtrack which you can not miss.
As for the storyline, it is a masterpeace!!!! (dont want to say much about the storyline due to indepth commplications).
It is deffinetely a good buy for all RPG fans and it should deffinetely not be missed although this game is about 7 years old. A true classic, play it, love it!!!