Epic Fantasy RPG Card Game! Use referral "Anzore" to get a free rare card +10000 coins [Android]

User Rating: 10 | Legend of the Cryptids IOS
First of all, please use my referral code: "Anzore". You need to use it when registering to get a gift rare card and 10000 coins for each of us. That being said, this is a casual RPG card game. Easy to get started, but as you advance the game gets more challenging as well, which makes it a very cool and fun game. I must warn you, it is addictive. Here is a simple SHORT GUIDE FOR NEWCOMERS: First of all a few important abbreviations that you definitely need to know, ed : energy drink, pp : power potion, pm : perfect max, ur : ultra rare. Next here are a few lifesaver rules when you first start to play the game: 1) Do not waste your pp and ed's! Never ever use them for normal quests. You will need them to trade for better cards and at special events. 2) Rares with PWR >8 are usually good, 6 and 7 are junk, 8 also mostly junk. 3) Level up rare cards to their max level before evolving them. 4) Use skilled cards only to enhance Rare EX and above cards. 5) Follow the Tips forum in the game for lots of useful information. See you in the game! Have fun! :)