Very Good Card Battle game, not as good as marvel War of Heroes

User Rating: 9 | Legend of the Cryptids IOS

## I have read some recent reviews about how you have to (Pay to Play), which is NOT true. I have many friends who have moved from WOH when it closed down and now refuse to spend because you work to get good cards and they are digital and will disappear. So, when we moved to LOC, we found it much easier to play and rank without spending, by simply taking our time, making friends, getting in Guild that will help you & use Line App to coordinate. I have been on for 137 days, spent $30 on Power Potions to purchase cards I need and Energy Drinks to boost my level. I have received so many free Ultra Rare Cards at Power 21, that I am able to compete in almost every event. The Events are where you typically win back all the Power Potions and Energy Drinks that you use, along with Ultra Rare Card draws at Guaranteed, 50%, 20%, 10% and 5%. I do run 2 accounts, from what I learned on WOH, because you always need pairs to end up with a Properly merged Ultra Rare Card that has Maximum points.

Please ignore the "Entitlement Mentality" of many reviewers who complain that they cannot compete because of big spenders. These games are designed to make $$$ from the "I have to have it know" group of people. Those of us who understand that anything worth having is worth working hard towards over time. Over time you will learn how to play each event and get tips from other experienced players, as like me, we are always willing to give our Tactics and Strategies for Free.

My 1st tip is that Battle Royal is the worst of all events to play in, because an addictive mentality, will want to spend $$$ to try and win. Most players do not realize that you are not fighting your deck verses the other guys deck, but your Attack Power Total, adding up All cards Points in your Deck, to fight the adversary, who's Defense Point Total does the same. Defense is rarely built until a good Attack deck is done, thus everyone can win battles verses all the 10 Point defense Teams. I want to compete at all levels and am at 330 Energy, 600 Power & 300 Defense. When I play Battle Royal verses a Poor Defense, but is at 1400 Defense, I cannot beat it, unless that player isn't playing. If they play, every Power Potion they use, boosts their Defense back to 1400.

My last tip here is to start building Energy 1st, because you need to advance fast in Levels, so later you can add Attack 1st to at least 300, then do what you want. My above 300 defense will beat your new 300 Attack, but most players do not have high defense numbers & many that do, have a poor defense.

Fun to play, Too much Soft Porn on some cards that I do not like with the youth playing, but tactically I like it. Use your mind when playing!