Use DTEROR on invite ID get 10,000 coins & Free Limited Rare Card ;) & anyone promising more than mine is bs..
-Gotta Fix Glitches etc...
-Gotta have a card shop like in those yugioh gba card games
to eliminate Complaints
-Also add a Enhancing Card shop to eliminate scam/mistake Trades...
-Drop PRICES and DROP BETTER CARDS! because ppl actually spend a butt load of $ on this game.. & its pretty much RIP OFF/Scamming when they're trying to buy strong cards and the game gives them crap rares... instead of the promised
specially on events they dont really drop good cards... the excuse of card given at random people spend BIG $ and still dont get a rare its just bs too...
-A PREVIOUS BACK BUTTON lol cuz it pisses ppl off when they gotta keep going to another page to get to there previous one..
- a possible deny of battling ppl because its irratating when you get treasure and some1 just steals it from you and you gotta start all over again..
-Healing time for energy/atk/dfn should last no more than 10-30 mins its ridiculous waiting 2 hrs or more to get refilled...
-Quests should take no more than -5 energy to kill monsters & experience points should be more as well..
Other than that this game Is ok the only way it would be a great game is if they do the suggestions above^