Usually, whenever there's a hit cartoon. People think its a great idea to make a game based off of it. But does it work?
For the most part legend of the dragon is horrendous which is a shame because i am a pretty solid fan of the show, you know? Before disney went downhill. Anyway let's see how bad this game is.
Presentation: 4/10
The wii is more capable of producing better menus and all then this. At title screen glance you may have a glimmer chance that this game is decent. BUT... the moment you play it all goes downhill from here.
Graphics: 2/10
This looks like a n64 game with ugly models and lame effects. This is just downright awful and I am willing to completely slaughter, whoever the heck thought this was a good idea. Some effects are average at best and won't put any wow! factor in you.
Gameplay: 0/10
Ok, so I understand that this is a street fighter sorta beat em up. The idea is cool and all but there's one major flaw. THE CONTROLS ARE ABSOLUTE CRAP.... And maybe it wouldve been a 4 at best. IF IT HADENT BEEN FOR SATAN'S LITTLE CAMERA OF HELL!!!.... sigh* why....?
Sound: 4/10
The cast is welcome and the voice acting is....well average, at least it comes from the show. But music and punch effects are flat out lame and it will make you want to hit the mute button faster than chuck norris punching you through a wall.
Lasting Appeal: 0/10
Really? You really want to know the lasting appeal after all of the above? I think I rest my case... Oh and multiplayer is broken to so don't ask.
Final Verdict: 2.0 Horrible
This is just flat out terrible, and kids will probably hang themselves after playing this vomit. Please... For the love of god and all that is holy SKIP IT!