It could have been so much more...
The gunplay is what makes a first person shooter work or fail, and in this case, this game fails. Shooting otherworldly creatures just isn't fun in this game. The shooting mechanics are to loose or constricting no matter what setting you keep them on, and you have to train yourself to put up with them (which is unacceptable). The guns are no fun to shoot because they are a generic mish mash of already existing guns, with unfitting sound effects (mostly), and not nearly enough oomph. It would have been nice to see some awesome fantasy guns, that fired magical demon slaying bullets, but alas, this game has none.
In the end, Legendary just isn't a good game in any sense of the word. It's buggy, boring, and bland, and it has no business on your game shelf. Do yourself a favor and avoid this one as if it were Pandora's Box itself.