This game, unfourtunatly, is not even worth the rental.

User Rating: 2 | Legendary PC
I had been following this game for a few months, thought it looked cool, a nice break from the usual. Even when i had found out that it got an abysmal score on all review websites, i still thought it would be worth a rent, believing that it maybe just too different. I was horribly wrong. This game is terrible. Not even worth a one day rental. Thats how long i had it, actually. It uses the well renowned unreal 3 engine. and butchers it more then any i have seen before.

It feels old, like a generation old, and plays like that too, nothing spicey or new or inovative in this game, it is rushed and not properly made, the AI is under average, and glitches out a good 50% of the time. ill keep it short. Do not rent or play this game. I know its hard to make video games, and I never hate on a company or maker, I merely am trying to save someone some time and money.