Legendary? maybe, but not in a good way.
The idea of Legands come to live is a great one if not genious game idea, but the games presentation, story and gameplay make a possible best seller a complete futz. I have always wished for a game where i can fill a werewolf with silver bullets or take a Minatour haed on and while this game has plenty of both its just not enough to quench the thirst.
The one thing i could not stand was the controls layout. Now i use a 360 so i cant review the PC layout but i was dissappointed with the overall setup as well as another big downer, the Graphics. now a game released in late 2008 should have if not close to cutting edge graphics but i have noticed that many developers have become sloppy and regressed some what. Call of Duty: world at war for instince cant hold up to Call of Duty 3 when played side 2 side. Whay this is, production sacrafices for better release dates. Sure i understand launching a game at peak selling Time, but please finish it first. Legendaries graphics use the Unreal 3 engine but lacks its best performance ability.