Legendary overcomes mediocre graphics with a great story and fun gameplay.

User Rating: 8 | Legendary X360
Legendary is made by spark unlimited and their previous games to put it nicely have not been so great and their last game turning point fall of liberty is the prime example on how not to make a shooter with a good idea behind it. But im not here to talk about that im here to review legendary.

Gameplay: Legendary has fun and solid FPS gameplay with iron sights and a decent selection of guns, you have your pistol, SMG, assault rifle, shotgun and a few more but the guns handle well compared to previous games. The story is great when you, Charles Deckard open pandora's box creatures spurt out and start to wipe out civilization and all that jazz but the best thing is the creatures, there are many and my favorite are the werewolves who behave how you expect in pack running up and down walls clawing your face and throwing objects but its not the only breed of creature that behaves as you expect they all do, this list includes the minotaur, Griffon, Nari and many many more. But the only real problem with this is that every non important character that is with you always seems to die in a gruesome and horrible way, at first its distressing but after a while you just know they are going to die sooner or later.

Sound: Legendary does fine here, the guns all sound great especially the SMG and the shotgun making it feel like you actually fired the weapon and the creatures sound excellant too with werewolves howling and minotaur roaring in your face adds to the atmosphere.

Graphics: Legendary falls a bit short here with some ugly characters like Charles Decard and his ally Vivian Kane all look pretty ugly but the environments look great and all other models do too and the creatures look awesome to. The only real problem here is that at a distance the animation get quite choppy and sometimes the framerate drops but they are not frequent enough to be a pest.

Multiplayer: Legendary has a pretty standard multiplayer with death match team deathmatch and capture the flag but one major difference, there are creatures everywhere adding to the intensity but there are only a few maps which is a let down.

Conclusion: Legendary is a great game and should be enjoyed by more people but it received bad review from some sites which it did not deserve I.E: Gamespot, IGN, OXM UK, 360 magazine all got it wrong so dont listen to them just play if you want to and if not you'll just miss out on a great FPS.