Not that good as expected but not that bad as many peaple say;
- it is quite short (imho)
- weapon switching is not as intuitive as in almost all other shooters (as a matter of fact i found it the most frustrating thing in the game, but this can be discutable)
- some fights could be frustrating for a while (at least up to a moment when you find the right strategy for the opponent)
- the perpetual short-circuiting the door panels is very bothersome
- there is no puzzle or at least a place where you have to think a bit to can continue (just look around and shoot or use the green glowing object and it is done - ... sorry there is one exception with the barrels at the elevator you have to shoot through to lift the elevator and the barrels don't glow)
... but after all this i found the game good playable, funny; i think it has not as horrible graphics as many reviews say; it has a bit of story which promises (let's hope better) interesting sequel; Just play it or at least try it and then make your own opinion - it's always better (but for some people much inconvenient) than just judge it without trying