Gamespot's 3.5 score is harsh but this game has a long way to go before it can be considered good!
The game's opening is probably one of two great parts of the game. You open Pandora's Box and all hell breaks loose in NYC. You have to escape the museum and then run through the streets to safety while buildings crumble all around you. I liked this intense introduction and was expecting to play a pretty good game but it is just too easy. The game holds your hand all the way through and areas that are not on your goal route are blocked off by the infamous invisible wall making it very simple for you.
The second part of the game that I really liked was the Kraken battle at Westminster Abbey in London. Seeing the clock tower that houses the Big Ben bell get pulled down by a giant tentacle was a great touch that I liked since I am a Londoner myself. The rest of the game fills in with dull trips through subways, churches, sewers, more sewers and errr....oh yeah SEWERS! The 'animus' idea seems like a concept taken from Painkiller where you were able to absorb the souls of your beaten foes and use them to your advantage. As for the ending, well I won't go there!
Despite the bad things in this game, it does try to redeem itself with its creatures. The werewolves look great but after a while, you will get bored of decapitating them repeatedly. The griffins and minotaurs are also good additions to the game but it's not enough to save it.
As for multiplayer, it's quite good if you can find someone to play with! Not many people seem to want to play it and I know exactly why!
Essentially, Legendary is a run-and-gun FPS where you pretty much have nothing much else to do other than shoot enemies and solve the odd simple puzzles. This idea works if it's done right (Serous Sam and Painkiller) but if it is not, then it becomes a bit of a failure and I'm afraid Legendary is pretty much that, although not entirely. If I were you, choose another game because there are many great titles out there much better than this mediocre one.