Legendary is a wild ride, however replay value is extremely low...

User Rating: 8.5 | Legendary PS3
Before I start my review, I would like to tell you how I got around to getting this game. Ever since I saw the screenshots, I wanted Legendary really bad. If you're double thinking about it, watch the walkthrough on youtube, that's what kept me going. So, I checked practically every store in Canada to find it, finding only 3! After looking for about 2 months, I decided to pay full price. I got one at a Sony Style, and I hardly regret it. Now, onto the review!

Fun: 8.5
Voice Acting:3
Replay Value:3
Updated Overall:8.5

Well, according to the ratings above, the game is average, but I found it to be more than average, in fact it was excellent. Legendary: The Box is a lot of fun! Blasting mythical creatures with shotguns and desert eagles was never so interesting! Some parts may be overly hard, such as the part where you're in a building, feeding animus to an emp device, when a huge flock of Nari attack you and move the emp device away from you. That's just one, but hey, if you never died, the game would be too short!

The monsters are very unique and interesting. They feel more like real animals, then they do daemonic monsters, which is a good thing. A characteristic being, that if ever a monster invades another monster's territory, they will fight to the death. (ex. werewolves going into firedrake sewers) Another one being that werewolves usually fight in packs, where one or two fight you head-on, while the other one(s) climb up walls and come behind you. This game isn't like Resistance 2, where you have 50 grims charging at you, instead this game is more like Blacksite, where you fight enemies in numbers like 1-6 at a time (although this isn't always true).

It's a short game, lasting about 10 hours, (unless you die alot).

The guns are very interesting, each one with a silencer-like sound and their own ironsights, but they all have the same crosshairs (except for the fire axe). Some weapons include the flamethrower and the submachine gun.

One of the best parts of the game are the scripted sequences, like at the beginning when you're escaping from the museum, watching people hurl out blood and run around on fire. Once you get outside, that's when you see that complete chaos that the creatures can cause: Griffons are everywhere, throwing cars around and eating people, a golem forming itself out of rubble and machinery, tearing through the city, and you have to walk right into it!

Now, let's talk about the best part of Legendary... the werewolves! These are the most fun enemies to fight, and are also quite powerful. They climb up walls, throw stuff at you, and fight you tooth and claw. The only way to properly kill them is to blow off their heads. There is no need to use your fire axe like most people suggest, because the game is full of ammo, and the only guns that can really run out of ammo are the two pistols. The limo werewolves' stomachs are forever empty, leaving them frail (to an extent) and anorexic, giving them the appearance of a giant rat. The alpha werewolves are more powerful, and faster than the limos. Last thing on the wolves; they never howl, which is disappointing because that's what werewolves are supposed to do right?

One of the key features of Legendary is the Signet on your hand. When you activated Pandora's Box, a large spike stabbed through your hand, giving you the ability to absorb the life energy that allows the creatures to live (animus). With the Signet, you can absorb the life energy from every monster, and use it to fuel your own, as well as use animus push, and fuel aniform devices.

The graphics aren't that bad, although they could use some work, such as when you see the close up of an alpha werewolf when it jumps on you.

The voice acting is bad (ex. a policeman being held in the mouth by a griffon, sounding abnormally calm.)

In conclusion, Legendary is very fun for the first (and maybe second) playthrough. It's worth buying, but the levels are short, and you'll soon grow tired of it. Thanks for reading!