Great game, while it lasts...
Once we finished the story, we spent a few minutes flying around the city unlocking various characters to play as, but it frankly got old very, very quickly. Once the main story line is over, there's simply nothing else to do but gather collectibles to get the game to say you've finished it a 100%, which means replaying the same stages as different people. This may appeal to some people, but I would have much preferred to have 3 times as many levels.
Would I buy this again, or any other Lego game, since they apparently all play the same? Yes, probably. The game still plays great, and we did have fun. I may work on the collectibles occasionally. Would I buy it new? No. I don't think I'll buy these games until I can get them used after they've had a decent discount. Collectibles are alright, but I wanted more story!