Lego Batman is a good game to play and is enjoyable...but is a bit easy and the same as all the other lego games.

User Rating: 7 | LEGO Batman: The Videogame PS3
Lego Batman is not a great game as it is a bit shallow and the same as the other Lego games (lego starwars). It has too long levels, and the same moves for the characters. Lego Indiana Jones would be better than this, as it has phobias, and more excitment in it. Lego Batman has dull places in the dark, and the stories of the levels are boring. It would be much better if the story was about the two movies (Batman Begins and The Dark Knight). There should also be a better character choice, and more variety in each character and level. So I would say that Lego Starwars and Lego Indiana Jones are BETTER GAMES than Lego Batman. The level setting out for the game is good as in playing heros and villians, but there should be a bit more of a change in each level, not only in the dark. For instance, if Lego Spiderman came out, it would be outside and more places. Lego Starwars is better as it has a good connection with the movies, and lots of characters and objects to interact with. Lego Indiana Jones is better than this as it has phobias, more variety on the vehicles (elephant, car, plane,). In Lego Iniana Jones there is a level where you are fighting on trucks, and can take over them. Lego Batman does not have anything exciting or fun to do in it. I was looking really forward to Lego Batman, and it wasn't rubbish, but not as good as it could have been. This is why I have given it a 7 out of 10, for it's villian and hero mode and some characters. So before buying this a demo or rent it...cause you will resent it!