Fun, but just lacking a little to make it pop out.
Story ~ Bascially the story is actually made of a tiny mini story events coming from each of the main villians in the Batman franchise (The Joker, Mr. Freeze, Penguin, ect) who are each supported by the typical side villians and cronies such as Harliquinn, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc and all the rest. Each boss has it's own unique area of Gotham City they reside in. Basically you have to stop the villians plans by defeating a bunch of cronies either by fighting on land, or shooting them via the Batmobile or the Batboat. When the main boss per area are defeated you gain access to playing the villians. After completing all the villian stages the second half of the story you play as them trying to destroy the world, take over Gotham and generally hating on Batman and Robin as much as you can.
Controls ~ Controls are pretty simple in the gameplay itself. You have a strong and weak attacks. You get various suits in the game that allow Batman and Robin to do different abilities that either aid you in defeating enemies or gaining access to hidden spots in the game that let you collect the various items that are scattered throughout. The A.I. in the game is rather slow when playing as a 1 player game. Making your sidekick look rather stupid for the most part. So my advice is that it's easier to have 2 people playing this game almost at all times or it will make things quite difficult when it comes to collecting all the items or even defeating bosses. Otherwise you'll need to be very handy at having 2 Wii remotes in your hand if you play the Wii version. I'm not apt to comment on the other consoles or handhelds it was released on since I only own the Wii version.
The Batmobile and Batboat sequences are basically identicle to the Lego Star Wars versions as you're supposed to just maneuver around either shooting the enemy by repeated mashing one button, or pick up a train of bombs and swing them around precariously to aim at just the right place. Sometimes that can be very tricky and tedious but thankfully they're not very long sequences to have to deal with.
Visuals and Graphics ~ Graphically it's like the previous Lego console games. The Lego designed characters look just like they're supposed to. Allies and villians alike fall apart when struck just like if you had the toys themselves. Simply made in the fashion we're accustomed to. Visualy for the most part is so so. The camera angles are a little off at times to frustrate you. If you are playing 2 player it can also be a little bit of a pain if you and your friend are on opposite sides of the screen. The story is easy to follow even with there being no speaking parts at all. But the humor is definately lacking. The fun and engaging humor from Lego Star Wars is all but lost on the Batman version. It felt a little too dry or cheesy, left mainly for younger children to understand but for adults it seemed as though all of the characters were a little... slow in the head (that's the best word I could use to describe it without offending people).
Overall the game can be fun and engaging for a little while especially if you have a buddy who is willing to play along with you, but can become quite boring near the end. The option of playing as the villian as well offers little to make this game unique and fresh. Along with the camera angles and disturbingly slow A.I. this game can have some frustrating points. But all in all it can still be an enjoyable game for a little while. And even the most hardcore of Batman fans can still enjoy the fact that their favorite characters are all tiny Lego people.