This is a must-have for Lego Star Wars fans! Lego Indy is everything and more!
Indy's style just fits with Lego!
If you've played any of the Lego Star Wars games, you'll know roughly what adding the prefix "Lego" to a film means. It means making all the characters and objects look like the Lego, making the storyline "funnier", and adding many puzzles.
You really know what to expect; pulling levers, moving blocks, building objects. Deep down, it's the same as the Lego Star Wars games.
But there seems to be more of a story here. Whereas in Lego Star Wars, it seemed to skim over most of the storyline, just pulling out the six major plot points that can be used. But in Lego Indy, more of the story seems to be covered.
Also, the way you play has changed rather a lot. Instead of every character having a different weapon, most of them start with just bare fists. However, the really interesting stuff comes when you find out you can pick up chairs, bottles, defeated enemies guns, spades, spanners and all sorts of other ordinary items, and use them as weapons. This makes the style of gameplay much more varied, and allows you to play the game in a more unique way.
All characters can also carry a piece of equipment, such as a book for opening some passages, a spade to dig, or a spanner to fix things. Again, some characters come with these, and some have to pick them up.
There are also other character abilities. Indy always has a whip (which can be used for a lot more than attacking), however, can only jump and roll. All the women can jump about twice as high as the males, however lack any other abilities. Some characters, such as thugees (who can interact with certain statues) and Willie (who can scream and break glass), have unique abilities, and only they can do them.
Vehicles have also been changed slightly. Before, you had very slow little Lego trucks, as well as AT-STs and other Star Wars vehicles. However, now there are a few main vehicles. There are motorbikes (which are great fun), trucks, and many more, all with different uses (such as motorbikes having good speeds due to wheelies).
It all sounds a lot more complicated doesn't it? Well, it is to start with, but only as much as Lego Star Wars was the first time you played it.
You see, the thing about Lego Indiana Jones is that it's not old recycled things. The first Lego Star Wars game was good because it was brand new. The second was carried in the wake of the first one. But Lego Indy shouldn't be considered a new version of Lego Star Wars. It's much more detailed and in-depth.
So, here's my break-down:
Well, what do you expect? They're blocky, angular, very basic colours and fairly ordinary. Saying that, they fit the style of the game perfectly, they still look good in HD, and they're so cute!
There's enough here to keep you addicted for a few weeks, and then loads more for you to dip into afterwards. It's got a great split screen system, and will NOT get boring quickly. The only shame is that it doesn't have online.
Although they don't feel as loose and simple as the Lego Star Wars controls, they are suited to the game, and the inclusion of some of the new physics really push this games mark up.
Lots of characters, cheats and levels to unlock here, which also boosts up the games score.
A great game, definetly worth having!