Booya! LEGO Indiana Jones is awesome dude!
I am not going to bore you with too much detail about this game, but what i will say is this: I think that this is the best platform/adventure game you will play. EVER. I'm not just saying that. This game is truly amazing. The graphics are really great and they look like real Legos. The gameplay is very very fun with just the right amount of easy and hard. Collecting the treasure and bonuses however is close to impossible without the strategy guide. Also, there are TONS of characters to be played with. The Character Customization option is wonderful as well. Everything is very very, VERY fun. It takes a long time to complete this game 100% which is a plus for me. There is also a lot of enjoyable Red Power Brick Extras. And last but not least, I like how TT Games kept the original story, but put their own LEGO flare into the cutscene animations. Well that's it for my review. If you want to have the freakin' time of your life with the best Platform Jumper game ever, BUY THIS!!!! Thanks for reading, and God bless!! :)