Lego indiana jones review
Lego indiana is the next attempt at a lego game and im sorry to say is not as good as the star war attempts.
Single player
Ok let me explain the single player is decent fun it nails the art of movie adaption but why am i not so impressed by it well let me tell you. First of all the combat is no where near as fun as star wars and the humour is not on par with the star wars games either ok its funny but just not as witty.
The graphics are nice but on some levels look pretty bad but dont fear they are better than most 360 games and are nothing to put down at all. the big problem is frustrating puzzles because most of the time you are confused with a certain objective and the game does not do well to help you.
nailed movie adaption very well
Graphics are average
SW just did it better
frustrating when it wants to be
not exciting at all
i dont get it but this just feels rather boring compared to SW and i agree im not suppost to compare but this is only worth it if you love indy otherwise just rent to see what you think dont believe the 8/10 reviews