Lego Indiana Jones RULES!!!

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures PS2
Lego Indiana Jones: The Oringinal Adventures is a great two player game. Great puzzles, great characters and great, funny cutscenes! The Lego games are better now, because you don't have to go up close to a character to change into them. Another good thing, is that you can swim now, and instead of double-jumping, you can etiher, dive, or if you are a lady, you can do high-jump. The graphics on PS2 are all right, a really good thing is that you can mail boxes and put them into a slot, and you unlock an extra (that you could just cheat for). So, Lego Indiana Jones is probaly one of my favorite games. I like that you can use Indy's whip to whip over to places, or even attack enimies, and you can use hirogliphic books to get to new places! But the best bit is that you can get to 3 secret levels, by collecting artifacts: Young Indy, Ancient City, and some other 3rd thing! Overall: 9/10