More proof that if you add LEGO to it, it becomes awesome.
I also thought that with the impending release of Lego Indiana Jones, that they were milking this franchise to death. However they proved me wrong.
Now, the similarities to Lego star wars are obvious. You break stuff into Lego pieces, build stuff using Lego pieces, solve puzzles with Lego pieces, etc... It all revolved around Lego, except its Indiana Jones themed this time around. From the font, to the level selecting menu, to the "TRUE ADVENTURER" that appears when you fill your stud counter. It all fits and works well.
Like I said, the game is very similar to the lego games, in which all the characters and happy and colorful. Even the most evil of characters can still bring a smile to your face.
The characters all speak with kind of a weird gibberish/simlish language, but it works so well that you cannot help but laugh. The cutscenes also have random moments in them, like when Indiana Jones pulls out C-3P0's head, then the guy in front of him imitates 3P0. It's just amusing.
The PSP version also has little or no slowdown, and looks very PS2esque in quality.
It also controls like LSW. The only difference is that you have a whip instead of a lightsaber or blaster. You can use said whip to whip enemies, or swing across gaps and swing items to you. It doesn't always work on PSP however (Damn analog nub!!) But it all feels well done.
Im not far enough into the game to say if it follows the plots of all 3 Indy movies, but I can say that so far, its like LSW; it follows the plot alright, but makes fun of it at the same time. I also have to say that the PSP version has no multiplayer of anykind, but the AI gets the job done.. most of the time.
Like the Star Wars games, Lego Indiana Jones is good fun and funny. It plays well and follows the plots of the movies well. The lack of multiplayer on the PSP may disappoint some, but the game is so positive overall that you probably will overlook that.