There are many great things about Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Unlike the other Lego games, there are big Lego characters who can run around and destroy everything by punching and picking up and throwing including The Hulk, The Thing, Abomination, Red Hulk, The Lizard, Venom, Colossus, Blob and plenty more. Some of them can also transform, The Hulk can transform back to Bruce Banner, The Lizard can transform back to Dr. Curt Connors, and Venom can transform back down to normal size. They're not the only characters who can change, The Human Torch can change back and forth, Spider-man can take off his costume, and Mr. Fantastic can change into a teapot, become thin to glide through the air and in levels when he goes onto the Fantastic 4 symbol he changes into something to help you out in the level. Many of the characters have weapons. Thor's hammer, Ghost Rider's chain whip, Captain America's shield, and Hawkeye's bow. When you customize characters you can make a character who has a weapon and a super power. For example you can make a character with Thor's hammer and Cyclops's head which gives you the power from Thor's hammer and Cyclops's laser vision. Some of the characters can also fly such as Ironman, Spiderman, The Human Torch, Thor, and, The Green Goblin. You can also drive vehicles, you can either steal someone's car or go to a phone booth and pick a vehicle like Ghost Rider's motorcycle, Deadpool's helicopter, and a fire truck. There are so many things you can do in this game and it never gets old, I highly recommend getting it.
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