Gamespot got it wrong. Now normally I am in agreement with the writers at Gamespot and Bueno Joe but not this time.
User Rating: 8 | LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game X360
No online play? Really? This is a negative. If you need friends that badly to play Lego Pirates, you need a new hobby. the game is addictive, adorable and everything else you expect from a Lego game. Besides the 1st Indiana Jones Lego game, it may be my favorite in the Lego world. The musical score, visuals and humor is pretty fantastic. Don't believe the 6.5. Large party size hits the spot as well. It's like taking the best part of Free play and mixing into story mode. Lots of extras and hidden material. Treasure, red hats, true pirate, gold blocks and hidden treasures keep you entertained well after the button mashing and block bashing is thru. If intense and intelligent AI is something you are looking for, this would not be the game. It's easy enough for kids and as a parent, it's entertaining enough to play along. Plus it drives the wife crazy and she usually leaves. Loved it.