Pirates highly surpasses the previous Lego 3ds game Lego Star Wars III but is woefully short.But what is there is great
The part of any game that is the main course of a Lego game for me is the hub (main area that your character stays between levels) and the pirate town hub in this game could very well surpass any lego game yet.Not only is it one of the largest areas (which includes lego hub staples like create-a-character and store) but also feels vibrant and realistic.You can even fight/kill the ai characters there with them putting up a fight (which was absent from Lego Star Wars III).
Graphically this is the best looking Lego game to date.It really makes the best of the 3ds's graphical power and really feels content wise just like a console version and feels far from a ''portable substitute''.However my major and almost sole gripe with this game is that it is TOO SHORT! Each movie consists of only a measly 4 levels,which while it does fit the story in,still feels too short.You could finish the game within a week even casually playing it and could finish it within 2 or 3 days if you steadily play it for extended amounts of time.
If all 3ds lego games follow in he footsteps of Pirates I will find myself one of Lego Game's biggest fans.Overall this is a fantastic lego game that feels equal to it's console brothers...not just a shoehorned portable substitute.