adictively amazing if you don't buy this you are crazy
one thing the graphics are an 10/10 for the ds it looks exactly like a consol
this game has a great selection of music and you will unlock some more
also this game has a nice but qurky humor like all lego games. the story mode is actualy realy fun and it is very nice to be able to customize your guys in every way. you can also cosomize your house and pick your gutar/band instrument. in addition you can hier staff as perks to earn you more fans and money
the controls are supprisingly solid and make the game alot more fun having the game uses bothe the D pad and the X and Y buttons for a easy smoth experience
a prsanal note I am suprised that gamespot hasen't made a video reveiw yet they would probably give it a 8.0 out of ten but as it is ,gamespot hasn't sent out a review so that is why i am writeing this and I have been sitting here writing for 10 minutes now so I hope you enjoy