Lego Rock Band: So far the best music game for the DS. Feels just Like Rock Band for the PSP
But THIS is the DS version, and so far the best game for the DS. The Gameplay (like the PSP version of Rock Band) uses the handheld buttons, the Grip is gone which is good as the GH games for DS shake every second. Another thing i liked is the fact that while you play a song you can change through the Singer to Guitar Lead, Bass and Drums, so the gameplay is WAY better than what i expected.
The Soundtrack, GOD i LOVED IT, it has a lot of my favourite songs. From We were rock you to So What, from Kung Fu Fighting to Song 2, its amazing, and the strongest part of the game
The Graphics... what can i DS..the graphics are not the best thing but for this game, the graphics are outstanding and way better than GH: On Tour, and the fact that you can customize your band (like every Rock band) is great, as the first characters sucked, specially the Drummer, with hair beard....ewww. The bad side is that almost every skin is yellow besides the default ones and there is no way to change your skin's colour (as far as i know)
Gameplay: 8.5/10 (GREAT improvements from previous games)
Soundtrack: 9.0/10 (Amazing...but i miss the console exclusives)
Graphics 8.0/10 (It Ds....but they still rock!)
Overall 8.5/10
The console versions are, as i said before, OK, but this one is the best of the best. And I cant wait to see Band Hero on the DS, i hope is as good as this one.... nah! thats almost impossible!