User Rating: 6.5 | LEGO Rock Raiders PC
Lego rock raiders is technically a RTS game. Technically because it does allow you to command your troops and there are some (2) foes to fight off, but this is really far, far more of a explore, extract, gather, create, and manage resource game. This is all the game really gets into; resource management, those looking for action will go as bored as rock in this game (and you may aswell stop reading here). The game follows your Lego Rock Raiders who have recently smashed there spaceship into an asteroid so you go through a barrage of missions to gather lost teammates or get some materials (which is what you actually almost always what you do) so that you can return home. There are 2 resources to mine for, energy crystals which fuel your creations or ore which build your creations ranging from any vehicle to any building that the lego universe actually has (in the set of Rock Raiders). The command system is set up for the simplicity of kids; you click on a individual and tell him to do something (no group commands here). This technique is obviously a mixed bag problem / solution but there are bigger problems, even small tasks require allot of hallabaluga, and beyond that; commands only input so well; that miner will do one task, give him another while he's doing something and he'll just about never do it. I guess it has its own aspect of management (your gonna want to fire the whole crew but you can't do that, nothing will get done in fact I don't even think you can fire them) never the less, when nobody does what your saying and your about to lose a 45 minute mission because you haven't built something you should, all's you would like to tell 'em is "do your god damn job!" So how in the hell does this game get a 6.5 / 10, well the visuals are gonna glue your eyes to the screen, the sounds are god damn great and the lego creation characters look like actual LEGO's and have all the character you could expect... just don't tell them to do too much. The buildings desereve an honourable mention, while it takes a hell of allot of waiting; when a builing comes together, it actually builds itself right in front of you and that truely is fascinating no mater how many times you see it happen. Now the combat, you can train rock raiders to use these beam force weapons but if a monster arises, you click the battle stations button, and the rock raiders will take care of the rest (ARRGGH!!!). So if you like cautious micromanagement, love building all those oozing graphics, sound and cutscenes and just the joy of mining, expanding and repeating such; take a look but be prepared for some trouble (there are some simple bugs too), action afflictoes you should have stopped reading a long time ago...