Game Spot is WRONG!!! review has Cynicism-itis..& skeptic-al-ism!! DUDE!! put the controller(s) down for a while...
Sand People FX can get annoying... Camera is occasionally frustrating... This reviewer ( me...) has ACTUALLY PLAYED this game. Ryan Davis, the tool that "Reviewed" this game for only casually picked up the controller and spent maybe an hour with it. boo!... boo! WEAK REVIEW... you must beat the game to give it a "proper" review tool. any one who played the first one, KNOWS there are no jawas or ewoks in the first one... you loser. OR stormtroopers... OR sandpeople... OR tattoine Luke... OR... any way, i could go on and on... The "HOTH " level is killer... "Hoth may have been done to death" but I've NEVER played a "HOTH" level like this... it's fun... and i've played nearly ALL the different hoth levels on almost every star wars game going back to 1982. *TooL * The Game is fun, fun... someone like myself who plays couple times a week found it quite fun. But i'm not a jaded, hardcore gamer snob who gets "bored" easily... Some people need to unplug from "the matrix" and step outside and smell the fresh air and let the Sun... "OH NO!!! THE SUN!!!! IT BURNS!!! ..." Yeah, let the sun hit them, and stop playing video games for a while... maybe you'd enjoy a great game like this a little more... maybe one would enjoy many other games a lot more... Good graphics even on a HDTV and fun sound effects... complete review to follow... i've got to beat it to offer a "proper" review... a must buy -