Improves on the original in almost every way. True Score: 8.1
In Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, you go through the original Star Wars Movies, each with a couple of stages. Gameplay in this game is still easy. Most of it can still be played with only one button, you can't fail a level unless its a timed one, and most of the puzzles are easy. Making the game a little more difficult than the original, however, is the adaptable A.I. This means that as you do better, the enemies get tougher, and as you do worse, the enemies get easier. The vehicle stages return, but are no longer on rails, making them more fun. Sometimes you can use vehicles in the regular levels too.
The game has all the music from the movies. The graphics are good too. The game is also very funny. Both in Gameplay and Cut-Scenes.
This game also has many unlockables. There are over 50 characters. There are also a couple of Bonus Stages. The Mini-Kits from the previous game return too. There is a Bounty Hunter Mode. You can even unlock a Lego CIty.
In conclusion, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is a good game. I reccomend it over the original as a rental or buying used.
Gameplay: 8
Tilt: 8
True Score: 8.1