Lego Star Wars 2 is literally a blast. It's fun, it's mindless, it's Lego's for crying out loud. Great for Everyone!

User Rating: 7.3 | LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy X360
I won't go in depth about the "lackluster....hurry let's get this game out the door" animation problems in the game, but if you can overlook that, you can get some achievements, be the Emperor with lightning, and destroy 3/4 of everything you see in every level and get rewarded for doing you get to fly the Millennium Falcon/X-Wing/, drive an AT-AT and other vehicles and play 2 player the entire time while either in Story Mode or Free Play's really a fun game! Too bad there is NO CO-OP!!!!
Either way, I like this game because I really like Star Wars and Lego' having the 2 together in a video game is fine with me.