While replaying the original saga was enjoyable, there were more bugs in this game than a swamp in the summertime.
There are several things that did bother me with this version of the game. First, you have ZERO control over the camera angle. This makes the game tougher to get through because you have poor visual access to the scenes and frames during gameplay. Second, the glitches where you and the background lose detail and even phase out hurt the overall experience. Third, what the heck is with the Sandbox? Seriously, it looks like the game designers started with an idea, laid out a framework, then decided to say "screw it" and just quit working on the level and threw it in as is. That level really shows off every bug throughout the game. Fourth, the extras are not bad, but they wear themselves out extremely fast.
Still, it is a good game to play if you want to pass the time. However, once again, it looks like the DS platform version for a game gets the short end of the stick when it comes to the level of game design and planning for a particular title. If they had met the gaming platforms needs and worked out ALL of the issues with this version of the Lego Star Wars games, this could have easily been placed on the top ten list of all time DS games.
But "IF" is a very strong word for being only two letters long.