In my top 5 Star War games
This is a very good game. But then it has to be because I got it and my judgment is wonderful to behold. The game has the Star Wars movie plot but in a silly, funny ways like Space Balls or Dave Barry. The space ship levels are fun and not that hard, unlike the first game’s pod race level that you needed to have Jedi reflexes to beat it (and I did too but I only could do that because of the reflexes I got playing super smash bros). The game is just way too easy if you die all you lose is some money and then not even real money but a kind called studs??? And then the only things stopping you from beating it are some puzzles and not like the Wind Waker puzzles more like Twilight Princess Puzzles, the kind I can solve in my head. Even if most gamers won’t admit it, they can’t do Zelda puzzles in their head. After you beat a level you have to play it again in free play to get another gold brick, but I do like the free play because you can change into any character at any time to get to new places using things like dark force or bounty hunters or droids to open doors. Things I don’t like are gun characters are better now, they can auto dodge other bullets when they are firing and they can do melee attacks. Now, the only thing holding them back is their small jump but they can now do a jump and roll where if you jump twice some of them will roll and in that roll if you fire your gun they will do three rapid shots. The light saber dudes are the same as in the first game but you can get ghost characters that can’t get hurt or seen. There are three ghost characters: Yoda, Obi-one-Kenobi and Anakin. Yoda and Anakin have light saber styles that are unique to them and there is a make-your-own-character part, it is fun. I made a dude who is a Jedi and a bounty hunter who can use grenades but I think the one before Lego star 2 wars the first game was better