Star Wars fans who happened to play with Legos, this will be one of your favorite games. If not, its still fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy PS2
The cuteness factor of Lego Star Wars cannot be denied. You will chuckle at every cutscene with nostalgia for A galaxy far, far away. As a life-long Star Wars fan, I loved every minute of both the Lego Star Wars games, but the original trilogy, the one that I first saw when I was 2 years old, will always be special. I would recommend this game to anyone, thats how accessible it is. The controls are simple, the characters make sense, and the fighting has an emphasis on fun, not bloodshed. Watching little lego stormtroopers (with Dark Helmet oversized head gear) break into pieces just doesn't get old. Flying a Lego version of the Millenium Falcon is also wish fulfillment at it's best, although it takes a bit of getting used to flying. All in all, this is a game no Star Wars fan should be without, and even if you're not, the co-operative play is great with a friend.