Star Wars and Lego... its a great combo!

User Rating: 8.7 | LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy X360
When I first heared the announcment of the Lego Star Wars games, I like so many other diehard wars fans snubed my nose up thinking it was going to be some dull childs game. I couldn't have been further from the truth, and I'm honest in saying that I judged this game way to quickly.

As with the previous game you can switch from character to character, depending on the level your on, so if you have a favorite its just a push of Y away to get them. Now what makes the game so great is the co-op play. Its fun to invite a brother or sister, even friends or parents to jump in and play with you, and since the game is easy to play and family friendly anyone can get into it. The storyline follows the movies very well, but what makes that aspect of the game so great is that every chapter has some great gag or joke that'll make you laugh and talk about it with your friends for a while.

Overall Lego Star Wars II is a great (if simple) game that anyone can jump into and enjoy, I myself 'am a Star Wars fan who as a child played with Legos... so after giving it a try it realy spoke to me.

The only real downside I can say is that the game does have an odd camara system, often times if your playing with someone who is pushy they can actualy get the camara to force you into one of the games many pits of death... thus hurting your stud rating for the level.

On the upside though the game has tons of content, and though you may play through the game in a mater of hours (about 10-12hours for us, I wasn't counting but thats my guess) you can return to the the levels and play through with new characters, this unlocks whole sections of the level that you couldn't play from the start. The best example is the first level where you have no jedi characters, you come back with a jedi character and the level literaly doubles in size. Now not every level is like that but the point is the game has a ton of hidden content you can search for, and with Xbox Lives acheavements its always fun to add more badges to the profile.

Over all Lego Star Wars is a low stress high fun game that I would recomend to just about anyone.