Although it's dangerously similar to the others, the complete saga is a satisfying game.

User Rating: 7.5 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga PS3
Lego Star Wars has been a great franchise ever since the first one, so why not release it on the next gen consoles? I've got a few good reasons: To start, the graphics were possibly better in the first game! Maybe it's because they're using the same engine still? Second, it hasn't really changed much, actually, while I was playing, I forgot I was playing the Complete Saga and thought I was playing the first again! It's like playing through the same game again! Level design has barely changed at all, the bigggest difference is probably the change to some of the ship levels. Third, it's still too easy! All dying does is make you lose studs, which you can easily pick back up again! Yup, piece of cake.
But it is easy to pick up and play, since it's controls are so easy and fun. Also, something that the game still has is the sense of humor that we've come to expect from a Lego Star Wars game. (Maybe it's because all the cinematics are the same as before) But still, that might not be a bad thing. Also, this game has like over 100 characters to choose from, which make's the game a lot more fun, because as you unlock new characters, you get new pieces for your character creator, which I'll tell you about now.
The character creator is as fun as ever, and now it has some new parts to make it better! Something wrong with the character creator however, is you can only play as your characters when you're in free play mode in a level, which is bad if you want to control your characters around the cantina. On a completely different note, there are still lot's of extras to choose from, but it suffers from a lack of explaination. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll tell you, if you buy an extra like, I don't know... maybe... Poo Money? You may never find out what it does because theres nothing that tells you. (I still don't know what that extra does!)
Now, something that Lego Star Wars is famous for is it's awesome co-op mode, because it's so easy to join in and drop out, which is fun in tough situations. There are also lot's of little hidden things throughout the game such as cars that you can build, then you get to drive them around levels. (Sometimes even to the end!) My sister and I still have trouble deciding who get's to drive the car. Lego Star Wars is a really good game, although something I just remembered is that if you found the minikits in the other games, then you'll know where they are now. Anyway, it's probably a better game if you haven't played the others, because if you have played the others then this will seem too similar.

Pros: Good sense of humor. Descent length. New characters keep the game interesting. The character creator returns. A butt load of extras that will keep you occupied.

Cons:Nothing explaining what the extras do. Some new levels aren't as good as you'd expect. Too similar to the previous games. Graphics aren't very next gen.

I give it a 7.5/10 because it's a good game but it hasn't changed enough.